Sunday, March 11, 2018

Kingdom Plantae (Plants): Definition, Characteristics, Classification


Kingdom Plantae or the Plant Kingdom is one of the multicellular eukaryotic organisms that have cell walls and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a green leafy substance that plays a role in the process of photosynthesis so that plants are able to make their own food. The process of photosynthesis can occur with the help of Sunlight. Because plants are able to make their own food, plants are grouped into autotrophic organisms.

Characteristics - KINGDOM PLANTAE

1. Has a Chlorophyll that plays a role in the process of photosynthesis
2. An autotroph (Able to make his own food)
3. It has cell walls composed of cellulose
4. Multicellular Eukaryotic Organisms
5. Store food reserves in the form of starch (starch)
6. Have a hereditary turn in the life cycle.

kingdom plantae
Kingdom Plantae (Plants): Definition, Characteristics, Classification


The classification of plants is necessary because in this classification we can distinguish plant species from one another. The classification of kingdom Plantae will be discussed below.

Bryophyta Division (Moss Plant)

1. Moss can be found in moist places such as walls, soil, weathered rocks, and bark.
2. Moss likes a humid place because the moss needs water to fertilize. The absence of water causes male sex cells to be unable to fertilize female genital cells.
3. Moss has no phloem and Xylem that serves as a transport vessel. Because moss likes a humid place because there is enough water content.
4. Moss has a root called rhizoid. Rhizoid serves to absorb water and minerals as well as attachment tools.
5. Moss plants are divided into 3 namely Hepaticopsida Class (Lichen Hati), Class Anthocerotopsida (Horn Mosquito) and Class Bryopsida (Leaf Moss).

Pteridophyta Division (Nail Plants / Ferns)

1. Nail plants already have true roots, stems, and leaves. The arrangement of plant leaves spikes like fleece nails.
2. Has a vessel Xylem and phloem.
3. It can live anywhere, especially humid areas such as water, rock surfaces, soil, tropical rainforest and tree bark.
4. It has varied shapes such as sheets, shrubs or deer horns
5. Consisting of 4 classes namely Class Psilopsida (Ancient Nail), Class Lycopsida (Wire Nail), Sphenopsids (Horsetail) and Pteriopsida (True Nail).

Division of Spermatophyta (Seed Plants)

1. High Plants of Kingdom Plantae
2. It has true roots, stems, and leaves and has varying heights and shapes.
3. Produce the seeds as a breeding tool. Reproduction through pollination and fertilization
4. It has a terrestrial habitat and partially in lotus water samples.
5. The spermatophyte division is subdivided into two subdivisions, namely the Gymnospermae subdivision (Open seed plant) and the angiosperms subdivision (covered seed plant).

a. Gymnospermae subdivision (Open seed plant)

a.1. Does not have a seed wrapper. The seeds are open and present on the surface of the fruit leaf
a.2. Consists of woody plants and rooted riding and has a variety of shapes
a.3. Having female and male genitals on one tree but with a separate location.
a.4. Some have different male and female genitals of trees.
a.5. Divided into 4 classes namely Class Cycadinae, class Ginkgoinae, class Coniferae and class Gnetinae.

b. Subdivision of Angiospermae (Closed Seed Plant)

b.1. Seeds are covered by fruit. Plants can be large trees, shrubs, vines and non-woody plants.
b.2. Generally, have flat and wide leaves with varying shapes.
b.3. The reproduction system is a flower that consists of perfect flower and imperfect.
b.4. The perfect flower has male and female genitals while the flower is not perfect only has one or both.
b.5. Reproduction takes place by pollination and fertilization.
b.6. Angiospermae is divided into 2 classes namely Monocotyledons Class (One Piece Beans) and Class Dycotyledone (Shat Two).

b.6.1, Monocotyledons Class (One Piece)

1. Consisting of fibrous roots that are generally not as solid as a taproot root.
2. It has a wide and unbranched stem
3. It has no cambium so it cannot grow bigger
4. Generally, leaves have bones that are parallel or curved
5. The interest has a three-part number
6. Monocots are divided into five orders, namely the Order of Gramineae (Grasses), the Palmae order (palm-pale man), the Order of Zingiberaceae (ginger-ahead), the Order of Bromeliaceae (Pineapple) and Orchidaceae (Orchid).

b.6.2. Dycotyledone Class (Tipped Two)

1. Has solid riding roots.
2. It has cambium so it can grow big.
3. It has a branch that has branches, books, and segments that are not clear
4. Has single or compound leaf and leaf bone or pinnate
5. The interest of dicotyl amounted to a multiple of 2, 4 or 5.
6. Dicotyl plants consist of several orders such as Order of Euphorbiaceae (Gum-sap), Leguminoceae (pod), Solanaceae (Eggplant), Rutaceae (Orange), Malvaceae (Cotton), Myrtaceae (guava) and Compositae.

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