Our Attitudes Should Be Facing Differences

Our Attitudes Should Be Facing Differences
If we can not now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. (John F. Kennedy)

What we have to do ... is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities. (Hillary Clinton)

This whole universe of God's creation has a tremendous diversity of charms. As fellow members of the solar system, the earth we live in is much different from the moon and the sun, and the rest of the solar system. They are all different from the stars in the universe. Despite having similarities among the people of the solar system, we will not dodge the glamor of pluralism and its usefulness for human life.

To deny the diversity of God's creation is the same as to deny all of God's omnipotent creatures.
Yes, we also know for sure that we live only once. One of the problems that happen in life is our attitude and behavior in the face of those differences. In fact, the difference is to be an integral part of this life. Problems that arise in life, among others, because we are a less intelligent use of differences as capital to build strength in life. The difference of opinion is certain. The revenue difference may be. Different skin color is not just a theory. The author's whitish-skinned grandson says his sister's skin is said to be "charred", it can happen in his own family, also in his own country, even in another place.

If Barack Obama, who is a black American, can be a very popular president of the United States, why should we question the color of the skin to exaggerate the differences, rather than emphasize the importance of unity? Once again, we live only once, and for that, we must be able to uphold the divine greatness, which indeed has created the difference as a grace we should be grateful for.

face difference of skin colour

How Do Our Attitudes Facing Differences?
First, to believe that difference is a reality and necessity as God's grace. Believe that the difference is a matter of confidence. We are created as different men by women, but God has united in the great institution of marriage. Therefore, the difference is indeed a definite reality. That is to say, we must tamper with God's destiny that we may be different from neighbors, with fellow citizens, with coworkers, with fellow human beings, who are destined to be full of diversity and plurality. The difference is a blessing in our mortal life.

Secondly, trying to solve the problem of difference wisely, understandingly, mutually appreciative, and without coercion and violence. The wise man says that we must be able to make the difference as capital to be power. Therefore, we must be wise in acting, open to managing something different.

Third, to face the difference is not enough simply by silencing, or even by denying its existence, but it needs to be deliberate. In accordance with John F. Kennedy's advice, 'if we can not end our differences, at least we can help the world be safe for diversity'.

To understand the difference, we need data and information about what's different, how the difference is, and why it's different. The data and information are needed to - if possible - approach the reasons for the difference, to unify the differences into similarities. Here we need dialogue, requiring deliberation. Originally it was done politely, not kicking the table when explaining the facts. If in the end there is no agreement, then what to do is to accept with open arms, and appreciate the difference as it is.

Fourth, responding to differences through exemplary, not just for yourself, but an example for others. Especially for leaders, the example will be a guide for everyone. Indeed exemplary must be formed from self, from family, and then spread in life.

Fifth, address the differences by establishing policies, programs and joint activities that are formulated democratically, transparently, openly and accountable. The difference is not just a matter of theory, but rather as a practice that requires the implementation and implementation of a fair and can avoid the possibility of the emergence of prejudices and wrongs.

Thus are the five attitudes and behaviors that need to be exercised while facing all aspects of the differences in life. Hopefully, this short article is useful for the readers in dealing with and solving problems related to differences.

Author : I am a blogger who wants to share my experiences and knowledge and learning information to readers through this blog. A useful science must be communicated to others before we return to Him. ADD MY G+ on ACQULA RYENA : Administrator BLOG EDUCATION FOR EVERYONE

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